Date: 2013-04-18 Read: 2408 Edit: Huide Machinery
At present, the development of China's food machinery long way to go, space wide study mainly because most of our people's food consumption comes from processed foods is not in agriculture each year because of lack of the necessary food processing machinery to food resources can not be directly processed , storage, preservation and loss as high as billions of dollars, not deep processing of comprehensive utilization of waste of resources caused by loss of a higher, so my food machinery has broad market prospects.
China's food machinery manufacturing of the products that keep pace with international advanced level, but do not truly independent intellectual property rights, with technological innovation of products is very small. Are talking about here, "with the" words "follow up" and even imitation, but little innovation. Therefore, China's food machinery manufacturing enterprises from the perspective of innovation, from the height of intellectual property to develop new products, developed with a world-class advanced equipment, so that we can really achieve domestic food machinery manufacturing industry to mention upgraded.
To achieve domestic food machinery manufacturing industry to mention upgraded, the most important and most fundamental one, is to improve the overall quality of employees in the industry. The overall quality of the quality of ideas and technological quality. Ideological quality, including ideas, concepts, ways of thinking, decision-making level and innovative thinking. January 23, 2009, the National Standardization Administration of China (SAC) issued National Standard "Food Machinery Safety and Health." Standard provides for food machinery and equipment and material selection, design, manufacture, configure aspects of safety and health requirements. This standard applies to food machinery and equipment, also applies to a product contact surface of the liquid, solid and semi-solid such as food packaging machinery. In this way, the development of food packaging machinery will have a more solid foundation.